Boost Your Facebook Visibility with the "@Followers" Feature

While it may come across as spammy, this feature could help get very important announcements out to your followers!

It’s a constant struggle on getting your posts to appear on your followers’ news feeds. However, there's a nifty tool that can help you cut through the noise and get noticed by your followers, but it’s not available for everyone … yet (just wait, you’ll get your turn).

Much like the feature that allows group admins to use "@everyone" to instantly notify all group members of a post, page admins can also use the "@followers" in either the post caption or comment section to get the same effect. However, it’s a once a day thing … as we’ve heard.

Exciting Possibilities & Potential Drawbacks of @followers

  1. Improving Visibility: Tagging your followers with "@followers" can significantly boost your post's visibility. More eyeballs on your content means increased engagement with more likes, comments, and shares, ultimately expanding your post's reach.

  2. Unveiling Important Offers or Promotions: If you're promoting a new, exciting offer or promotion, "@followers" is your secret weapon. It raises awareness and drives lead generation by directly notifying your followers, creating excitement and a sense of urgency around your special deals.

While this feature may make your followers feel included in your page's activities, abusing it can negatively impact the user experience. Daily notifications may become overwhelming, causing followers to ignore or even unfollow your page. Don’t make them part of a faceless crowd. Use it thoughtfully to avoid overwhelming your followers.

One note to keep in mind, not ALL followers will get your notification. So, it’s NOT a sure way of reaching everyone all at once.

Kiera Ashford