"Child of Light"

When it came time to pick a book for the Tall Boy Marketing team to read, I (Kiera) knew what I wanted to get them to read. Something out of this world! Child of Light by New York Times bestselling author, Terry Brooks.

Being an avid reader of all things weird and supernatural, I wanted to share my love of escaping reality with my team. I was reluctant to pick something like this at first, because we all have different tastes in books. Knowing that we all like to try new things (in books, apps, TV shows, etc.), I had to put this one in the basket of must reads for them. And, with the way this book starts off, I knew at least one of them would get sucked into it as fast as I did!

Excerpt (the very first sentence in the book): “We break out at midnight, just as we agreed. Like ghosts risen from our graves to reclaim the lives that were stolen from us, we flee.”

From the beginning, the life story of Auris, a seemingly human girl who escapes a dull and gloomy goblin prison into a world unknown to her, you experience the bright and beautiful world of the fae. A world where she learns that she is not at all … human. Through this journey of the unknown, she learns more about her true identity, falls in love, and seems to survive through the toughest encounters of life thrown her way. It’s a fast read with all the excitement pushing you along the way to read as fast as the heartbeats of the characters can take you. Through everything they have to endure, you’re left wondering how in the world could so much go so wrong in such a short time?

To me, it was a powerful story of overcoming the obstacles of life tossed at your feet each and every day. A glimmer of hope always within reach and success given to those who strive to achieve it. Several questions are found in this book that you should also ask yourself:

  1. What is it that you want?

  2. What will you do?

  3. What will you say?

Here’s what the team had to say about Child of Light:

Becky: ”I really liked the book because of the escape. I can feel myself there. I liked the mystery of her not knowing who she is and reading all the clues that lead up to her learning the truth.”

Joey: “I thought it was overly dramatic and too wordy. I have a hard time following fiction and I lose my way through all the extra descriptions. It was fun to listen to for a bit, but I didn’t get joy out of it. Just a lot of sadness. It gave me a hint of the Wizard of Oz kind of thing.”

Neil: “It was a very interesting juxtaposition of her finding her meaning and purpose in life and putting all of her past together. At the same time, the guy she falls in love with loses all of that. I think the book could have expanded a lot more on the relationship point of it.”

Justin: “My brain does not comprehend a fantasy and make believe. I’m too logical and analytical on everything. However, I do like going into a world that is not something that I’m used to. It opens up and expands my mind.”

Kiera Ashford